# Hello again! My name is Ian L Hayes, and this is the best way to see what I'm doing (besides asking me directly.) If you need some orientation, please see [[! 20230605-N1 About These Notes|this note]]. ![[20240603-C1 Presently#Presently|Presently]] ![[20240603-W! Recently#Recently|Recently]] ## This Week Hello, feelings of overwhelm! Is it Monday already? With the house to myself and a break in the weather, it's time to really make tracks on these [[20240505-N2 Interior Storm Windows|interior storm windows]]. I confirmed with my most valuable intellectual resource on the project that I don't need to worry about applying the oil and stuff to the sides of the frames I'm going to be covering with self-adhesive weatherstripping anyway, and I've got the actual measure/cut/assemble process dialed in to the point I ought to be able to switch over into production mode instead of being stuck with all of this "figuring shit out" shit. So that should be fun. I've got about fifteen or so windowframes to go, and at an average of an hour apiece, I can estimate how much longer I'll be working on this. Maybe *then* I can get back to my [[20240206-R2.01 Untitled Zombie Novel Index|Untitled Zombie Novel]]. *As of 2024-07-22 14:36* ## July, in General July is here, and with it our first [excessive heat watch](https://weatherkit.apple.com/alertDetails/index.html?ids=cf584596-9ae0-5ce4-ad40-2d274cf767ba&lang=en-US&timezone=America/Los_Angeles&party=apple) of the year. I'd be laughing, if I weren't still in the early stages of storm window production. Dad left me with enough resources and know-how to get it done, what I have a shortage of now is *time.* My math predicts the project of installing storm windows will take approximately thirty-one work days, [[20240505-N2 Interior Storm Windows|interior]] and [[20240612-R! Install Exterior Storm Windows|exterior]], but the weather isn't waiting. West and south sides of the house are the priority, and my work hours will be limited to 2–3 per day. I still have copywriting, housekeeping, and that novel I've been working on, to say nothing of my [[! 20231216-R! ⧻ Cardinal Journals Index|⧻ Cardinal Journals Index]]. Who knows what havoc the climate will wreak—there may not be more than a couple workable hours a day due to the heat, anyway. The interior storms ought to be much faster to build and finish than the exteriors, however, there are also a lot more of them. It's all I can do to remember I have a garden—which is going well, by the way! The ladybugs are taking care of the aphids and the second round of carrots are sprouting!—that needs regular weeding and watering. Worse, I've just had the thought that I could convert at least one of the basement rooms into a wood shop, as little space as I'm using in the garage. I haven't pulled a tape measure on its floor space yet, but with proper dust collection, it would be a much more temperate alternative. *As of 2024-07-01 17:35* ## 2024 The theme of the year is "Curiosity & Inquiry," so with that in mind, I've been trying to study myself, my interests, and what occupies my attention. [[20230902-W1 In Search of a Foundation|I have a rough plan]] for narrowing down the options for my next major life transition—school, work, or more of the same—but my priorities will continue to include my son, my wife, and laying down [[20211225-X2 A writer writes many books. In each book, he intended several urgent and vivid points, many of which he sacrificed as the book's form hardened.|A Line of Words]].